There are number of benefits of using this equipment. They are helpful to obtain an accurate measurement of the amount of water used in industries, houses and public places. Also, they prove beneficial in identifying any leakage issue. Generally, there are two basic types of flow meters useful for measuring the amount of water consumption – positive displacement meter and velocity water flow meter.
The first one used in most of the apartments and homes, as it measures low flow of water accurately. Its mechanism involves measuring water flow. For second one, the volume of water used is calculated by the velocity of water flow. Both of them make use of different mechanisms to calculate the volume of water.
Buyers can take a look at online collection of AMI meters and hydraulic flow meter offered by number of related websites and portals on the Internet. You can then opt for the desired ones after having a look at various flow meters. By surfing various websites, you can study in detail about their importance, functionality and use in water conservation. Thus, water meter of Australia is beneficial from water conservation point of view and is helpful in preventing water shortage problem.